Project Management

The key to a successful project is the way in which it is managed. FICOA follows a strict standardized planning process and manages projects with real-time pertinent information, enabling us to align our performance with our customers’ objectives. Depending on size and scope of project we staff projects accordingly with project management and the necessary layers of administrative support. 

Project Planning and Coordination

Prior to project start up FICOA meets with system personnel to review requirements, technical and performance specifications, as well as time-lines. Our project managers ensure that the preliminary plans, necessary permits and documentation are solidified.

Throughout the project planning and implementation phases, FICOA maintains contact with the customer and project staff to keep everyone appraised of project objectives.


Quality Assurance and Safety

Quality Assurance is the responsibility of every FICOA associate, and this permeates through every phase of our operation. FICOA is diligent in maintaining inspection reports, failure histories, rework reports, and remedial action records on each project. Our principal QA tools include:

  • QC inspections (formal and informal)
  • Periodic Project Reviews
  • Instrument Calibration Schedules and records
  • QA Training and Indoctrination
  • Technical Training Programs

Personnel and public safety are priorities at FICOA. To maintain our excellent safety record, FICOA has adopted a comprehensive set of safety practices 

  • Mandatory OSHA Safety Training
  • Pre-Employment and Ongoing Drug Screening
  • Weekly Crew Safety Meetings
  • Monthly Job-Site Safety Reviews
  • Traffic Management Certification
  • Annual Motor Vehicles Review/Driver License Checks
  • Comprehensive Background Checks


Consulting and Training

FICOA’s commitment to training has been a critical part to our success, and quality training provides the highest and most immediate return on your investment or any portion of your project. We provide flexibility in our training timelines so that we can cater to our customers emerging needs.

FICOA’s approach to training focuses on technical issues arising out of the manufacturers’ product. This makes customized training specific to each system, which emphasizes less downtime and more uptime. This can only result in cost savings, higher levels of customer satisfaction, and more successful employee retention efforts.

We can provide intensive on/off-site training in a real-world environment so that your staff can effectively run your network. From head-end equipment to the subscriber’s home, we can train you on the proper setup and usage procedures for all brands of equipment and point out many common pitfalls that are often overlooked.